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What happens if training is cancelled due to the weather?

If the sessions are cancelled due to wet weather and the council closing the fields, you will be able to attend another session to make up for the cancellation. 

What if I book in halfway through the term?

You are able to register at anytime, you will only be charged the remaining fees for that term. 

What are the training terms?

Training sessions run the same as the public school term, i.e if the public term is 10 weeks the training term will also run for 10 weeks. Please enquire for more information

Is there training during school holidays?

During school holidays there will be training camps that run during the week that typically start from 9am - 12pm at various locations. This requires a separate booking. Click here for holiday camps.

What if I miss a session?

If you know that you are going to miss a session, then please inform us and we can try and accommodate you to make up that session on a different day.  

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